SEALTITE is an aqueous Acrylic Co-polymer emulsion specially formulated for use with cement. SEALTITE modifies the property of cement in mortars and in concrete to make them perform better in terms of water proofing, repair, corrosion inhibition, bonding, durability and wear resistance.

1) Corrosion protection of steel.
2) Floor screed and topping.
3) Concrete and floor screed repairs.
4) Water proofing and tanking of basements.
5) Bonding old concrete to new concrete.

Water resistant, excellent adhesion to concrete, steel, brick, stones, compatible with cement. High compressive, tensile and flexural strength. Resistant to ingress of salts, mineral oils etc. Non toxic. Suitable foruse in potable water tanks. Excellent corrosion protection. Economical when compared with epoxy mortars.

A) Method:
1) On a cleaned and prepared surface apply SEALTITE bonding slurry.
2) Apply SEALTITE modified mortar by float or trowel to form an uniform smooth surface. Bonding slurry sets very fast hence modified mortar application should be fast and immediately after application of bonding slurry.
3) Moist cure for 24 hours and then allow it to dry off.
B) Preparation:
Bonding Slurry = Cement + SEALTITE
                                   1 + 1
NOTE: Applied bonding slurry sets very fast. 1 LTR SEALTITE with 1 kg of cement gives a slurry which covers 25 to 30 sq/ft. on smooth even surface.

Cement                                     l kg
Zone II dry Sand                         2.6kg
SEALTITE                                 200ML
Water                                       150ML
Yield                                         1.30 Litres

This mortar covers 7 sq.ft.area if applied to a thickness of 10mm
Note: 1) This mortar looks very dry. No further addition of SEALTITE or water is to be made.
2) Dosage of SEALTITE can be varied between 5 ltrs to 15 ltrs. per 50kg bag of cement depending upon application and severity of problem. 2lts per 50kg bag of cement is used in general plaster only as an admixture to produce crack free plaster.


1) Corrosion Repairs of Beams, Columns and Slabs:
a) Remove the cover concrete and cutback to the sound concrete zone.
b) Remove all the rust from the reinforcement by mechanical means.
c) Apply one coat of SEALTITE bonding slurry on the reinforcement and the surrounding concrete surface.
d) When the bonding slurry is still tacky apply modified mortar by pressing in position using 10 litre SEALTITE per 50kg bag of cement. Modified mortar can be applied upto a thickness of 20mm. For building up to higher thickness leave the first layer to dry overnight and apply second layer with one more coat of bonding slurry.
e) Moist cure for 24 hours and allow it to dry off.

2) Industrial Floor or Floor Duct Nosing Repair:
a) Cutback to sound concrete surface and make the surface wet.
b) Apply the bonding slurry and when it is still wet apply the SEALTITE modified mortar using
    10 litre of SEALTITE per 50 Kg bag of cement
c) Feather edge to match the original floor level. In case of nosing carefully build up the edge and
    give a smooth finish.
d) Moist cure for 24 hours and allow it to dry off.

3) Bonding old Concrete to New Concrete:
a) Vertical Joint: Apply SEALTITE bonding slurry on the prepared wet old concrete vertical surface
    and pour the concrete.
b) Horizontal joint: Pour and spread SEALTITE bonding slurry on the wet old concrete surface to a
    thickness of 3.5 mm and pour fresh concrete.

4) Plaster & Screed Mortars:
SEALTITE is admixed at a dosage of 2 litres per 50 kg bag of cement to improve properties of general plaster and screed free from shrinkage crack and for achieving higher compressive and tensile strength. Screeds over water proofing membranes and patch up repairs before application of water proofing membranes are done with SEALTITE admixed mortars.

 Bacteriocide                    :   YES
 Antifoam                         :   YES


Compressive Strength
3 days : 225 Kgs/cm² (22 N/mm²)
7 days : 290 Kgs/cm² (28 N/mm²)
28 days : 350 Kgs/cm² (34 N/mm²)

Tensile strength
3 days : 30 Kgs/cm² ( 3 N/mm²)
7 days : 44 Kgs/cm² ( 4.3 N/mm²)
14 days : 82 Kgs/cm² (8 N/mm²)

Flexural Strength
28 days : 92 Kgs/cm² (9 N/mm²)

Technical Specification

Typical Engineering Data

Physical Properties of SEALTITE

Appearance   -   Free flowing white liquid - dries off to colourless

Sp.  gravity    -   1.01

Shelf life       -    1 year in unopened containers

Typical Result of SEALTITE

Modified Portland Cement Mortar

Compressive Strength   ASTM  C190

(50 mmm)  cubes

 3  days   - 210 kg/cm2

 7  days  - 280 kg/cm2

 28 days - 340 kg/cm2

Flexural Strength  ASTM C190
 28 days - 90 kg/cm2

 Bond Strength  ASTM  C-78
14 days - 80 kg/cm2


Material  Requirements

Coverage* Cement Sand Sealtite


1) Cement Slurry 50 kg 

50 kg --- 10 - 12 liter 15 - 18 liter
2) Coating for waterproofing 50 kg --- 10-  12 liter 10-  12 liter

3) Repair Mortar

50 kg 140 kg 8-10  liter 8 - 10 liter
* Projected coverage is an estimate only, and is highly dependent upon sub-base texture



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